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IQ – cafe, IQ – point

NeuroChat IQ-cafe and IQ-point – is a new convenient form neurotraining rooms and centers for everyone. The purpose of these centers is to be able to improve your cognitive performance without actually buying the equipment and using it at home.

Neurotraining centers use original Neurochat equipment, as well as techniques developed and tested by leading neuropsychologists, neuroscientists and doctors.

iq кафе

IQ-cafe near the Kievskaya metro station (Moscow)

Neurotraining sessions are held Monday to Friday at 1st Mozhaisk deadlock 8A, c.1 from 10:00 to 20:00

Pre-registration is required and can be done via phone +7 (495) 661-03-55 or by filling a feedback form.


For collaboration regarding IQ-cafes and IQ-points, please call +7 (495) 661-03-55 ext. 127 and

Get Neurochat

Neurochat is for those who never give up! Choose one way of getting it and rediscover the world of communication!


We are doing our best to tell the story of our project to the world so that a unique solution designed to solve problems of millions of people would be known all over and would be available to those who need it. Here we will share with you main news about NeuroChat.

19 June 2024
We teach students how to correctly wear a headset, set up a neural interface, and type text using the power of their thoughts. Child... Read more...
29 February 2024
How and when did the idea to create NeuroChat come about? And why did you decide to work specifically with patients with speech diso... Read more...
21 February 2024
The State University of Management hosted a panel discussion titled "Starting Your Own Startup in Moscow" on February 20. ... Read more...