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In Russia, develop a neuro-headset for people with speech and motor disorders

The other day it became known that developers from the company Neurotrend together with partners are going to present in November this year a hardware-software complex with a neuro-headset for a smart house. However, initially the system is created for people with limited physical abilities, for example, post-stroke patients, people with military wounds or industrial injuries. According to the idea of the authors, people who suffer from such traumas speech and movement problems, will be able to communicate with others, as well as engage in affordable work for themselves in the current state and manage smart home systems. 

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NeuroChat bekommen

NeuroChat ist für Menschen, die niemals aufgeben! Wählen sie ihre bevorzugte Lieferungsart und entdecken sie Kommunikation auf neuem Niveau!


Damit unser einzigartiges Produkt für Millionen von Menschen zugänglich wird, verbreiten wir in dieser Rubrik aktiv alle Neuigkeiten unseres Produkts NeuroChat.

20 July 2019
PR Director of NeuroChat Alesa Chichinkin gave an interview to the editors of the magazine, where she spoke about the system, as wel... Read more...
18 October 2018
The NeuroChat project and the FlowVision company were noted in the Japan session. NeuroChat is a communication system for people wit... Read more...
25 August 2018
The other day it became known that developers from the company Neurotrend together with partners are going to present in November th... Read more...